
  • PM 259 438
  • POPs 70 375
  • GM 1 794
  • Won Challenges 4 077
  • Cage Trophies 0
  • Cromimi Trophies 0
  • Profile viewed 656 times
    Last visited on 2024-12-25 10:45:55

    25 years old · Level 54
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Yeux Jaunes (1/10)
    Adopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple Mouse
    Adopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple Mouse
    Pinkugakki (2/10)
    Adopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple Mouse
    Adopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple Mouse
    Petite Feuille (3/10)
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Oeil de Démon (4/10)
    Adopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple Mouse
    Adopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple Mouse
    Comor (5/10)
    Adopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white Mouse
    Fleur Obscure (6/10)
    Adopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick Ferret
    Adopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick Ferret
    Pelage de Chataigne (7/10)
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Miss Color (8/10)
    Adopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white Mouse
    Red Eyes (9/10)
    Adopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock Mouse
    Adopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock Mouse
    Jukebox (10/10)
    StrawBac val valentin
    CarpetCarpetCarpetCarpetCarpetCarpetCarpetWindow backgroundWindowMiss Heart MirrorCarpetNine bedSherlock ClockFlower cushionChameleon RonardBaby bottleBaby bottleLiz soft toyBaby bottle
    Adopt a Strange Mouse MouseAdopt a Strange Mouse Mouse
    Baby bottleSnow FlowerLiz coffee tableBedside lampCarpetLiz teapotLiz cup
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Fish bowl
    Adopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat Mouse
    Flower potNine knotBubble 3 yearsBubble 3 yearsBubble 3 yearsBubble 3 years
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Adopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine Mouse
    Adopt a Love MouseAdopt a Love Mouse
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    BlackberryScreen LizBlackberryBlackberryNine plush
    Bedroom In Colours (1/11)
    StrawGreen child
    Rose petalsElf ButterflyBaby bottleBaby bottleHutButterfly (small)Daisies and dandelionsLight bleamLight bleamWhite RabbitRose petalsLittle Lion RockPalmLion TreeLight bleam
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Light bleamLight bleamLight bleamLight bleamLight bleam
    Adopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple Mouse
    Adopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple MouseAdopt a Pinkpurple Mouse
    Light bleamElf WaterfallBaby bottleLion Bird
    Adopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat Mouse
    Adopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple Mouse
    Elven glowElven glowElven glow
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Coin Tranquille (2/11)
    StrawWhite trayHeart
    Picnic GrassRose petalsWood boardWooden ladderPouffePlush ladybugRonard MTBShelfOrchidStringStringLion TreeWindmill 3 yearsLiz cushionBaby bottleBaby bottleBaby bottle
    Adopt a Chocolate MouseAdopt a Chocolate Mouse
    Baby bottleLetters box
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Snow CabinLadderEaster Bunny
    Adopt a Milibar MouseAdopt a Milibar Mouse
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Adopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple Mouse
    Adopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple MouseAdopt a Apple Mouse
    Jardin (3/11)
    StrawSt Valentine's pink trayLeprechaun
    Rose petalsRose petalsLove nestBaby bottleBaby bottleBaby bottleBarley sugarCandyChristmas carpetBellFeather ballDoveCrocusBall facetNono knotEaster eggsEaster eggsBig lollipopHouse GingerbreadElf ButterflyElf ButterflySpice Paint ManFlask
    Adopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock MouseAdopt a Rock Mouse
    Barley sugarNono knotPurple plateCandyCandyCandy
    Adopt a Blond MouseAdopt a Blond Mouse
    Adopt a Blond MouseAdopt a Blond MouseAdopt a Blond MouseAdopt a Blond MouseAdopt a Blond Mouse
    Adopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat Mouse
    GlitterGlitterBaby bottleSurprise Flowers
    Adopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white Mouse
    Adopt a Dance MouseAdopt a Dance MouseAdopt a Dance Mouse
    Pot Sucre d'Orge
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Bonbons ! (4/11)
    StrawGrate valentinePink child
    Rose petalsRose petalsBaby bottleBaby bottleBaby bottleBaby bottleElven ArchBalloon 3 yearsBanner 3 yearsCotton candy 3 yearsCotton candy 3 years3 years Fruit JuiceBalloon 3 yearsBalloon 3 years3 Year Cotton Candy MachineApple of love 3 yearsLight bleamLight bleamLight bleamLight bleamSpice Paint ManElven glowElven glow
    Adopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine Mouse
    Adopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine Mouse
    3 years cakeElf ButterflyElf ButterflyElf ButterflyMacaron 3 yearsElven glowButterfly Paper 3 years
    Adopt a Dance MouseAdopt a Dance Mouse
    Adopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine Mouse
    Adopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine Mouse
    Adopt a BeeMoov MouseAdopt a BeeMoov MouseAdopt a BeeMoov Mouse
    CarrycotLove nestRockStar Beam
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Cloud StarsBlackberryBlackberry
    Fête Foraine (5/11)
    Pink childHeart
    Baby bottleBaby bottleRose petalsRose petalsHamakBaby bottleNine stoolElven glowElven glowLion BirdPlateSmall houseMiss soft toy
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Adopt a Demon Mouse MouseAdopt a Demon Mouse Mouse
    Adopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat MouseAdopt a Bat Mouse
    PoppyBedside lamp3 years cake
    Adopt a Strange Mouse MouseAdopt a Strange Mouse MouseAdopt a Strange Mouse Mouse
    Adopt a Strange Mouse MouseAdopt a Strange Mouse MouseAdopt a Strange Mouse MouseAdopt a Strange Mouse MouseAdopt a Strange Mouse Mouse
    Adopt a Chocolate MouseAdopt a Chocolate MouseAdopt a Chocolate Mouse
    CarrycotLove nestBlackberryBlackberry
    Pink Room (6/11)
    Wood chipsGreen binTurquoise grid
    CarpetRose petalsLight bleamLight bleamPicnic GrassLion TreeLiz lampRonard PlushBaby bottleMiss soft toyBeach umbrellaSpecimenLion grassLiane LionChameleon RonardLion Bird
    Adopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles Ferret
    Adopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles Ferret
    Adopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles FerretAdopt a Bubbles Ferret
    Baby bottle
    Adopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate Ferret
    Adopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate Ferret
    Baby bottle
    Adopt a Husky Brown FerretAdopt a Husky Brown Ferret
    Adopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick Ferret
    Adopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick Ferret
    Adopt a Bollywood FerretAdopt a Bollywood Ferret
    Adopt a Bollywood FerretAdopt a Bollywood FerretAdopt a Bollywood Ferret
    Adopt a Spicy FerretAdopt a Spicy Ferret
    Adopt a Spicy FerretAdopt a Spicy FerretAdopt a Spicy FerretAdopt a Spicy FerretAdopt a Spicy FerretAdopt a Spicy FerretAdopt a Spicy Ferret
    Adopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick Ferret
    Adopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick Ferret
    Green world (7/11)
    Wood chipsGreen bin
    Rose petalsRose petalsElf FlowerLion TreeChristmas treeBaby bottleElf FlowerLion TreeElf FlowerRonard CreekBaby bottleChristmas treeChristmas treeSnow ReindeerElf WaterfallChristmas treeChristmas treeChristmas treeChristmas treeChristmas treeTrunk OgresseLiane LionLiane LionLiane LionElf ButterflyLion BirdLadybugSnow FlowerLittle Lion Rock
    Adopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate FerretAdopt a Chocolate Ferret
    Adopt a Caramel FerretAdopt a Caramel Ferret
    Adopt a Caramel FerretAdopt a Caramel FerretAdopt a Caramel FerretAdopt a Caramel FerretAdopt a Caramel Ferret
    Love nest
    Adopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick FerretAdopt a Chick Ferret
    Surprise Flowers
    Adopt a Red FerretAdopt a Red FerretAdopt a Red FerretAdopt a Red Ferret
    Baby bottle
    Adopt a Red FerretAdopt a Red Ferret
    Adopt a Cappuccino FerretAdopt a Cappuccino Ferret
    Adopt a Cappuccino FerretAdopt a Cappuccino FerretAdopt a Cappuccino FerretAdopt a Cappuccino Ferret
    Foret Furet (8/11)
    Wood chipsGrate valentineWhite child
    Baby bottleCarpetBaby bottleCarpetStudent ruleArtist background curtainArtist background curtainCarpetWindow backgroundCarpetWindowScreen LizScreen LizSuspension LizMusic note lampMusic CassetteLiz soft toyArmchair
    Adopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon Ferret
    Adopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon FerretAdopt a Lagoon Ferret
    Music TableFish bowlBubble 3 years
    Adopt a Neptune FerretAdopt a Neptune FerretAdopt a Neptune FerretAdopt a Neptune Ferret
    Bubble 3 yearsPlatinum MusicLight bleamCarrycotLove nestLight bleamLight bleamLight bleamGaga RatingStar enclosureBaby bottle
    Adopt a Ice cream FerretAdopt a Ice cream Ferret
    Adopt a Sequins FerretAdopt a Sequins FerretAdopt a Sequins FerretAdopt a Sequins Ferret
    Adopt a Sequins FerretAdopt a Sequins Ferret
    Adopt a Neptune FerretAdopt a Neptune FerretAdopt a Neptune Ferret
    Adopt a Neptune FerretAdopt a Neptune FerretAdopt a Neptune Ferret
    Adopt a Ink FerretAdopt a Ink Ferret
    Blue House (9/11)
    White traySnow
    Frozen Lake SkaterSeaFrozen Lake SkaterRonard CreekCascade SkaterChristmas Market TreeSnowy Snowy TreeSnowy Trees SkaterSnowy Snowy TreeSnowflakeSnowflakeSurprise FlowersElven glowBaby bottleBaby bottleSnowy Trees Skater
    Adopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia MouseAdopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Adopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi MouseAdopt a Crominavi Mouse
    Adopt a Golden glitter MouseAdopt a Golden glitter Mouse
    Love nest
    Adopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine Mouse
    Adopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine MouseAdopt a CroMimiNine Mouse
    CarrycotBaby bottle
    Adopt a Fuchsia Mouse
    Adopt a Golden glitter Mouse
    White Country (10/11)
    StrawWhite trayGrate valentine
    Frozen Lake SkaterFrozen Lake SkaterEnchanted Forest PondSnowy Trees SkaterCascade SkaterCascade SkaterSnowy Snowy TreeChaletChristmas Market TreeElven glow
    Adopt a Black and white MouseAdopt a Black and white Mouse
    CarrycotBaby bottle
    Adopt a Panda MouseAdopt a Panda Mouse
    Love nestBaby bottleSweetmeatSweetmeat
    Valée enneigée (11/11)