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    Last visited on 2024-05-05 17:53:01

    21 years old · Level 22
    Moi =)
    Je m'appelle Shawna et non Lucie j'arrive pas a renommé pour mettre mon vrai nom.
    J'ai 13ans je suis en 4ème.
    Je suis une grande fan de Ian !!! =D
    Bon bah voilà c'est tout je crois j'espère avancé dans le jeu et voila. ;)
    Si vous savez comment faire pour renommé la fiche d'éleveur dites le moi svp merci.  :D
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    Adopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda Mouse
    Tithia (1/10)
    Adopt a Pastel Blue FerretAdopt a Pastel Blue FerretAdopt a Pastel Blue FerretAdopt a Pastel Blue Ferret
    Akayuki (2/10)
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Mamé (3/10)
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Adopt a Boreal Mouse
    Papou (4/10)
    Adopt a Blue grey MouseAdopt a Blue grey MouseAdopt a Blue grey MouseAdopt a Blue grey Mouse
    Adopt a Blue grey MouseAdopt a Blue grey Mouse
    Chris (5/10)
    Adopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou Rabbit
    Mini nous (6/10)
    Adopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda Mouse
    Adopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda Mouse
    Kim (7/10)
    Adopt a Nougat FerretAdopt a Nougat FerretAdopt a Nougat FerretAdopt a Nougat Ferret
    Lali (8/10)
    Adopt a Brown and White RabbitAdopt a Brown and White RabbitAdopt a Brown and White RabbitAdopt a Brown and White RabbitAdopt a Brown and White Rabbit
    Angel (9/10)
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Papa (10/10)
    StrawTahiti 1Tahiti 1
    Adopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda Mouse
    Baby bottle
    Adopt a Blue grey MouseAdopt a Blue grey Mouse
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Halloween Twisted Tree
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    Adopt a Domesticated MouseAdopt a Domesticated MouseAdopt a Domesticated Mouse
    Adopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda Mouse
    Vampire Glass
    Adopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda MouseAdopt a Red panda Mouse
    Adopt a Boreal MouseAdopt a Boreal Mouse
    souris vampires (1/4)
    Turquoise traySandWinter Fairy
    Baby bottleBunny Hut
    Adopt a Brown and White RabbitAdopt a Brown and White RabbitAdopt a Brown and White Rabbit
    Adopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou Rabbit
    Adopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou RabbitAdopt a Mandou Rabbit
    lapin ami (2/4)
    White trayPink gridSnow
    Baby bottleSmall houseRocking horse
    Adopt a Pastel Blue FerretAdopt a Pastel Blue Ferret
    Adopt a Nougat FerretAdopt a Nougat Ferret
    furet célébrité (3/4)
    Pink gridRose petalsBlue child
    Baby bottleLove nestCarrycotBaby bottleLittle heart cushionValentine's knotTeddy BearLittle pink Valentine's dayMusic Box
    Naissance (4/4)